Press Area
Press Release 03-2012
“And the winner is....”
The award ceremony of the 25th European Media Art Festival took place at the “Lagerhalle” Osnabrück on Sunday evening. About 170 films participated in the competition for the offered awards.
The Verband der Deutschen Filmkritik (VDFK) awarded the prize for the best German experimental film, along with 1000 euros, to Constanze Fischbeck and Daniel Kötter for their film “State Theatre #2 Tehran” (D 2011, 24:00 Min). The jury’s comment:
“Two-sided vision animates the film. Two cameras explore the rooms of a grand theatre, disused since 1979 but once full of life, in a calm, soberly conceived structure. With great unambiguity, due in part to the consistent bright illumination, the clarity of clear-cut lines is achieved. The special qualities of the film can be found in this harshness, coherence and beauty.
Additional scenes from the surveillance cameras installed there and with puppeteers and a female dancer enable the historical and political explosive nature of this location in Tehran to be eventually approached.”
The “Verband der deutschen Filmkritik e.V.” appointed Günter Agde, Bodo Schönfelder and Hans-Jürgen Tast to the jury.
An international jury awarded not only the EMAF Award and the Newcomer Award but also the Dialogpreis of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This jury was made up of Maria Pallier, Daniel Cockburn and Abdo Nawar.
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