The EMAF goes on Tour again!
With the motto SOZIALIZE we curated a contemporary video-art program featuring works shown at the last two European Media Art Festivals, Osnabrueck,
Containing Award winning works these current, international films deal with the different shades of a rapidly changing society in times of globalization, economic crisis and an increasing medialisation of everyday life.
The thematic approaches of the artists range from social and political critics to personal reflections on Fukushima and the Arab-Spring to ironic commentaries about the recent trend of peoples retreat into private life.
This 80 min. program provides a good opportunity for galleries, museums, cinemas and other venues to present current artistic positions in the context of their topical cultural work; and is bookable for the flat-rate of € 160.- immediately.
For a preview-link please contact us directly at info@emaf.de
25 Years of Media Art
EMAF is one of the most influential forums of international Media Art. As a meeting point for artists, curators, distributors, galleries and an audience of experts the festival has a great impact on the topics and aesthetics of Media Art. Each year the festival offers its visitors a current overview of experimental films, installations, performances, digital formats and hybrid forms, ranging from personal and political subjects or formal experiments to provocative statements from the pulsating area of “Media Art – Society”. The Festival sees itself as a place of experimentation and a laboratory where extraordinary works, experiments and ventures are created and presented.

Download the Festival Programme 2012!
Programme 2012 English PDF

Award Ceremony
The EMAF Awards
More than 170 Films participated in the competition for the EMAF prizes 2012.
The EMAF Award went to Hayoun Kwon and her film "Manque de Preuves" (Lack of Evidence), the Newcomer Award was awarded to Ed Atkins and his film "Death Mask III". The Dialogpreis of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs went to "Excursions in the Dark" by Kaya Behkalam and the Verband der deutschen Filmkritik awarded its prize to Constanze Fischbeck and Danile Kötter for their film "Stage Theatre #2 Tehran".